Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Center
100 Valmont Drive
PO Box 785
Nebraska City, NE 68410

Walk in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark and Seaman the dog on our 79 acre property. Step aboard an authentic full sized 55 foot replica of the Keelboat used by the explorers over 200 years ago. Relive the adventure by exploring our interactive exhibits: burrow with the Prairie Dogs, run with eh American Bison, be surprised by our ferocious Grizzly Bear. Listen to the calls of every bird that was documented along the expedition. Pull the oars on the pirogue. Avoid the snags as you race down the Missouri River with our newest exhibit. Go into the 48 foot in diameter Plains Indian Earth Lodge. Follow our trails to the Missouri River Overlook and the Birding Amphitheater. Bring sack lunch to enjoy our outdoor picnic area!

- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- 9 - 6p
- 9 - 6p
- 9 - 6p
- 9 - 6p
- 9 - 6p
- 9 - 6p
- 9 - 5p
Summer Hours (May1 - Sept. 30)
Fall (Oct. 1- Nov. 30) Mon. - Sat. 10 - 4 p.m., Sun. Noon - 4 p.m.
Winter (Dec. 1 - Feb. 28) Wed - Sat. 10 - 4 p.m., Sun. Noon - 4 p.m. CLOSED MON. & TUES.
Spring (March 1 - April 30) Mon. - Sat. 10 -4 p.m., Sun. Noon - 4 p.m.
Missouri River Basin Lewis & Clark Center
100 Valmont Drive
PO Box 785
Nebraska City, NE, 68410