
In most areas, you’d have to visit four or five small towns to achieve the level of festival action available in Nebraska City. How do we do it? Volume. Why do we do it? Because we like you. If you can only attend one festival, which should it be? That’s like asking Johnny Appleseed to choose his favorite tree. It’s a question he can’t possibly answer because he died in 1845.

AppleJack Festival 2024

September 19th - 30th, 2024
The mother of all fruit-based festivities and ranked in the top 10 of fall festivals by the Society of American Travel Writers. Perfect for hipsters and hip replacement candidates alike, this is the festival most folks think of when they think “Nebraska City.” Fun for the whole family, including grouchy Aunt Edith.

We are now celebrating all autumn long!
AppleJack Festival 2024